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Why do random people on facebook keep tagging me with 40 other people? - Printable Version

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Why do random people on facebook keep tagging me with 40 other people? - Masterbeggar940 - 04-08-2014 08:49 PM

I keep getting tagged by random people on facebook, most of the time with 40 other people. and it becomes really annoying since i get tagged every day by several people. i warned them not to do it, and that im gonna unfriend them next time, but they keep doing it. and when i unfriend someone, there comes another moron who tags me in such useless pics. I'm wondering, whats in people their mind when they tag me in these pics? why are they doing it? and how can i prevent people from tagging me?

- Isabel - 04-08-2014 08:57 PM

change your privacy settings, you can prevent that and approve/disapprove of any tagging.

Go to the little gear box in the upper right, >settings, then in the left column >timeline and tagging, the third box deals with tagging and you can alter the settings > edit at the far right.

- abraXus - 04-08-2014 08:59 PM

they are spammers

dont add people as friends unless you know them in real life and things like this wont happen to you