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What happens when you get blocked on twitter? - Printable Version

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What happens when you get blocked on twitter? - george - 04-08-2014 08:50 PM

So I've been blocked on twitter. However, this user is not private so I can still see what they tweet and favorite etc. When I favorited one of their subtweets about me, it stayed favorited for a while, then went away. Same thing when I tried to follow them. Here are my questions:

1.) Does it notify them that I tried to follow them?
2.) Does it notify them that I tried to favorite their tweet?
3.) On my profile, does it say I favorited their tweet (under favorites)?
4.) Can they see if I mention them in a tweet?
5.) Can I mention them in a tweet?
6.) Can they see my profile if it's public?
7.) Can I get mobile notifications for when they tweet?
8.) Can I DM them?
9.) What can I still do even when they've blocked me?

- lizabth - 04-08-2014 08:51 PM

They know you blocked them because it says that the person blocked you. They can still see their posts. so just dont block the person or they'll know. i dont know if this only happened to me but yea