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My husband hasn't called me for 4 days, I don't know if it's over? - Printable Version

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My husband hasn't called me for 4 days, I don't know if it's over? - Butterflies - 04-08-2014 08:50 PM

So we got married 4 months ago. I moved 2,000 miles from home and family to be with him, but we lived with his family which didn't help our relationship at all.

We used to argue a lot and he wouldn't listen to me and would always say that I didn't understand, when we argued he would leave the room and go to sleep with his brother. I hated living with his family because I felt there was no privacy and he liked to make everyone believe that our relationship was perfect when it wasn't, and his family

I ended coming back home after I felt threatened by his brother with mental problems, I tried to tell my husband so that we could find a solution and for me to feel safe but like always he left me talking alone. I told him that I would leave for my safety and he said to go ahead. I came back home to give him some time, to keep looking for a job (applying online) and to get my car... At first we used to talk every day on the phone, but then I noticed that he was shopping more and even joined the gym to go there every day, and when I was there he had no energy and would fall asleep early, had a low sex drive, I had to ask for kisses and hugs and even for sex sometimes... So many things!

Now I am confused because he hasn't called me for 4 days, he has been on Facebook and doesn't communicate with me. I see that he quit his job or lost it because he hasn't worked these two days.

I don't know what to think... He knew I was going back, but I felt he was bad humored lately.
What I hate is that I told him that if he didn't want me to go back to tell me, I told him to tell me if he wanted a divorce.

He knew I was uncomfortable at that house because of his brother and sometimes the rest of his family. I feel that he wanted me to be like a maid cooking for everyone and cleaning when the others didn't do anything.

I didn't want to move back home but I had to because the night I left his brother had been violent with me and my husband would always say ignore it.

- digimutt - 04-08-2014 08:59 PM

Whatever the reason you left him so why would he contact you? You were right to move but why did you think he would come crawling after you? He might just be happy to have you gone as you were complicating his life. yes you were right but that is not how he sees it. I would say that this marriage is over. Since you were so unhappy there why do you want him back. Nothing has changed except to get worse because now he has no job

- LadyChanceLove - 04-08-2014 09:01 PM

It doesn't sound like your husband is making an effort to keep your marriage going. You made a huge sacrifice by leaving your home to be with him. You stepped out of your comfort zone because you love him and are a good wife. If your own husband can't even give you a simple "hello" on Facebook, you are clearly not a priority to him. Call/text/message him that this is not the kind of marriage that you signed up for and if he's not willing to communicate with you then you will stop trying to reach out to him. He needs to realize what he's doing and if he doesn't, sadly, you may want to reconsider your marriage.

- Monica Mellish - 04-08-2014 09:03 PM

Don't go back! See about an annulment or a simple divorce that can be done by a paralegal. There are self divorce kits. You sound in distress and need help.. A women's shelter near you will be of help.

- RobertRay - 04-08-2014 09:07 PM

If you moved 2000 miles to be with him, how did you meet him? Almost seems like you really didn't know him well when you married him and then saw his true colors afterward.

Do not move back to be with him. The two of you really don't sound compatible. You argue too much and he walks away from arguments instead of working through it because he thinks he is right. Sorry but it sounds like it would be a failed marriage if you tried to make it work.