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Need Help Submitting an Invention Idea? - Printable Version

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Need Help Submitting an Invention Idea? - C - 04-08-2014 08:51 PM

I have an idea I'd like to possibly look into getting a patent on. Am I better to go direct to a patent attorney or utilize one of these advertised companies such as InventHelp? I figure an attorney will just help get the legal part accomplished, but one of these firms may also help market it. I have read many horror stories however so I'm a bit confused.

- Jake - 04-08-2014 08:54 PM

Even inventHelp says in their TV commercial disclaimer, "most inventions fail to find a market" professional inventors will tell you good ideals alone are a dime a dozen, at least creating a working demonstration model is a big step to having something tangible.

You can probably learn more at the U.S. patent office, which has a search function sufficient for preliminary research before spending any money for assistance, you may still need a professional to do an exhaustive search before actually writing and submitting a patent.:

One unique alternative that was profiled on PBS, "crowd sourcing product inception" a site with 400k members, charges a $10 concept submission fee, it may utilize suggestions from other members to further refine the design along with staff who have web-casted evaluation sessions you can participate in, reported a couple of good ideas have earned 6 figures.

Comprehensive article on Invention services by Patent Attorneys

Unbiased paid evaluations

A complaint and company response.

more complaints describing the amount outlaid

- Patent - 04-08-2014 08:58 PM


I would say get some IP BEFORE sharing with folks! Caution with any of those help companies who ask for $5,000 then another $5,000 and who tell you it is the next zillion dollar deal....

Do you know about the Provisional Application for Patent? It only costs $65 and was designed by Congress to give individual inventors a chance at bringing their inventive ideas to market easily. It is SUPER EASY to do..

If a provisional application for patent looks like the right thing for you to do then take a look at another website that shows EXACTLY how to file one using a video format.. Just Google Provisional Patent Video Course and you can see some info there..

PM me for exact links because lawyers delete my posts if I put a link in there..

PM me for links to EXACT information!