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Ideas for small business? - Printable Version

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Ideas for small business? - Tim - 04-08-2014 08:51 PM

I am absolutely miserable at my job. I make an alright living for my situation (around $40,000/yr). But no amount is worth being miserable all the time. I work 7 days a week and very rarely have weekends or holidays off. It's pretty hard to find a decent paying job as we all know so I feel like starting my own business is my only way out. I thought about landscaping but that's not a year round salary. I've thought about junk and garbage removal but those guys seem to work 365 too. I know it's not as easy as starting a company and being successful right away. But I need a way out so I'm wondering if anyone has some ideas for a small business to start. Thank you.

- SGElite - 04-08-2014 08:54 PM

Start with your heart - passion. What are you passionate about at and then work towards that goal. Hard work and having to work 365 for new set-up should be anticipated.

- Shaun Baird - 04-08-2014 09:00 PM

Hi Tim,

Your first comment gave me the answer right away. Landscaping.

Yes, the work inst intense all year round BUT there is still some work in the winter.

Also, with planning, there is no reason why you cannot put a lawnmower on 20 lawns a day and charge $15 a lawn - more than enough can be earned in those 8 months to keep you snug for the rest of the year. leaflets to tens of thousands of households will help along with journey. Seems to me that this is where your heart is
