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Naked on omegle! help!? - Printable Version

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Naked on omegle! help!? - Lindsey - 04-08-2014 08:51 PM

Okay so im a 16 yr old boy, and "if" i got naked on omegle for a fake vid, do u think i was recorded?
I know alot of people record underage girls getting naked on there, but never usually guys...?
Also, if i was recorded, what kinds of sites would they be on and how could i find them?
Also, what if i become famous someday? Will the people who see my face on the vid recocgnize me and spread throughout the internet? I know I'm only 16 and my face will still chance through the years, but if i was to get famous tomorrow, how could i change my look? hair? what? my cam is .9 mgpxl, is that enough to get a good "image" of my face?
im 18

- Eoin - 04-08-2014 08:59 PM

came yer jets its omeagle noone will ever give a shit

- Annoyed - 04-08-2014 09:00 PM

First of all you shouldnt get naked on omegle, under the age of 18 thats child pron, even if you did it.... they may have recorded u, get a hair cut, redo ya face, ull never be recognised again

- Nicolas - 04-08-2014 09:08 PM

well considering that it's illegal i think you should just not do it, at least until you can do it and not have someone recording whatever it is regardless of who pops up in trouble.

and no matter what you may think, anything you put online lasts forever. I am a student of information systems security and am learning a lot about forensics and unless you get to the point where you are putting a bullet through a hard drive you can recover a lot of information even if it has been deleted.

also, as for the usually never guys, that is completely incorrect, young boys and girls are often the focus of pedophiles. if anyone recorded you for deviant purposes they would most likely not put it online or if they did, they might use some deep web places which are not easy to find, nor track.

- harperj - 04-08-2014 09:14 PM

1: If the vid was fake then its much more likely you were being recorded than if the vid was real, but its still quite unlikely

2:Guys will get recorded for gay people.. And where to find then? Well i don't know but if you look young then on a child porn site, I'm pretty sure child porn circulates by people emailing each other rather than just uploading the videos to a website, although theres probably wrbsites too.

3:It's very unlikely you'll become famous, so don't bother worrying about that. People wont recognise you on the street and you don't need to change your appearance... You worry far too much.

Still, getting naked on omegle to random people you can't see is totally retarded, so if any of the stuff you are concerned about actually happens, then you've only got yourself to blame.