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Does Facebook do more harm then good? - Printable Version

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Does Facebook do more harm then good? - Allyssa - 04-08-2014 08:52 PM

Hi, i was just wondering if you guys think that facebook is bad for people. Do u think that it should be banned because of cases of cyberbullying, or embarrassing pictures getting loose? Should we blame facebook and other social networks for internet addiction. I know that it is a great way for people to connect around the world, but would we be better of without it?

- Brett - 04-08-2014 08:59 PM

Some people do not have phones to connect with other people. I believe that if people didn't add EVERYONE as friends and only people they knew and had the proper privacy settings on it people wouldn't have cyber bullying. Be smart and don't post embarrassing pictures of yourself In the first place. Don't go over in time usage, be responsible. I don't think it should be banned. Hope this helped.

- Skillz - 04-08-2014 09:09 PM

I think it entirely depends on the user and how they control Facebook, or how they are controlled BY Facebook. Some people aren't computer savvy enough to understand what is going on when they do stuff on Facebook, and that can cause problems with privacy. Some people, especially younger people, are too irresponsible and short-sighted (metaphorically speaking) to use it in a way that won't end up biting them in the ass. Some people, however, can operate it in a way that they want, and be sure not to accidentally do harm to themselves or others with it.

As long as you're not exposing your secrets or private information, or being an addict, it can be used to connect people who otherwise wouldn't ever communicate. I speak to my distant family pretty often now, whom otherwise would probably not have ever heard from me without Facebook, simply because I didn't know them as well before spending time getting to know them better online.

It would be silly to ban Facebook for cyber bullying, because that's not even what it's for. That's the result of someone abusing Facebook for their own malicious use. To ban Facebook would be to blame the road for car accidents, or blame arms for every time someone has been strangled in history, or to blame guns for what some sufferers of mental illness have done with them.

- HoovR - 04-08-2014 09:11 PM

I think its good, gives alot of people a way to connect with others plus entertaining reading.

- Captin - 04-08-2014 09:19 PM

well i think its worse, why?

-NSA invades your privacy and your address
-Predators can track you down
-Caused suicides
-Stresses you out and makes you have to worry about one more thing
-Addiction or refreshing the page for half an hour

- Daniel - 04-08-2014 09:22 PM

Depends on The Person Who is Using it For Some People it Does more Harm than Good For Others it Does Not