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Where Can I Post a VERY LONG Question/Story? - Printable Version

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Where Can I Post a VERY LONG Question/Story? - Nick - 04-08-2014 08:52 PM

Ok so I need to know where I can post a long question, but a story to go with it. (I know, confusing)

Lemme elaborate.

I have a TON of sub-questions that fall under a more broad question. Ok so that's pretty simple right?

Moving on.

Only thing is I have a long story to go with it (and I mean looooonggg) because it will help other peeps obtain a better understand of my situation and therefore, they will state a better answer. Followin me?

The MAJOR problem is that it's a long story... as I've stated several times. Not to mention I have terrible ADD and I'm a pretty weird ass guy if I do say so myself hahahahaaaa.... If you can't tell, I'm not a particularly serious person and I mess around quite a bit while I'm writing (My English teacher hates me for it).

I tried posting it on Yahoo answers but it's far too long, so I proceeded to finish it on a word document. Don't say it, I know its a lot of work for one question, but I assure you...I'm bored as FUCK.

So if anyone could help me out it'd be extremely appreciated. I also would prefer it to be a pretty big community (Just like Yahoo) because I want a diversity of answers and someone who comprehends my situation.

Phewww, anymore typing and I think Carpal Tunnel would of spread to my arms...

- Ileana - 04-08-2014 08:59 PM

Yahoo answers has enough space to post long answer and questions.You can even extend the length.