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Should i do this? - Printable Version

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Should i do this? - unknown - 04-08-2014 08:53 PM

Ok, so, about a month ago this girl started quickly glancing up at me and back down. She eventually got closer and closer, and started to tease me a bit.

Before I knew it I liked her.

She then proceeded to get closer and closer, looking up more frequently and then she added me on facebook. We had a few conversations and they went really well, I made her laugh and you know the rest.

My friend who knows I like her then told her I did on facebook, so she messaged me saying "sorry i like someone else". By this I thought it was over.

But now she is still glancing and smiling at me, trying to get close whenever she can. And its that kind of glance like "speak to me".

Should i message her on facebook now that we have a 2 week break saying hey. And if so what else should i say?

- anyarobinwood - 04-08-2014 09:03 PM

She might want to talk but she even said she has no feelings for you right now. If in them two weeks she hasn't tried to talk to you then why care? If you want to talk to her then go ahead but she wants to be friends. Flirting doesn't mean love. Hope it goes well for you :-)