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Does a router affect broadband speed? - Printable Version

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Does a router affect broadband speed? - Naruto - 04-08-2014 08:56 PM

OK so I just set up a new netgear router in my home and now I have wireless internet in my home.I use the wireless internet to acces internet on a tablet via wifi.Recently I have noted that my internets speed on my pc has decreased.I use an ethernet cable to connect to the internet from my pc and the cable goes through the router.I have checked my download speed from various websites and it is 1mb which is what my ISP has given me but the time it takes to open a webpage has increased.Is this caused by the router or is this a problem of my internet only??????P.S I dont know if this is imprtant but I have only 31 GB free on my hard drive.PLease tell me what I should do to improve the speed.

- Jacob R - 04-08-2014 09:00 PM

It could be the router, ISP or your network card in the computer.

1. Try unplugging the power to the router and modem for at least a minute and then plug them back in.

2. See if there are any updated drivers for your net work card. Go to device manager and see the make and model of the network card, then go to the manufactures website and look for a new driver.

3. Call you ISP to see if they can see any problems. They wont help with the router unless it is theirs.

4. Make sure the cables look OK

- Bata - 04-08-2014 09:00 PM

I think this is a common problem with netgear routers, unplugg your router and wait for a few seconds then turn it on and test the connection, if it improves then its the router but if it remains the same check with your ISP.