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do you think that money are distributed fairly in this world? - Printable Version

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do you think that money are distributed fairly in this world? - Bob - 04-08-2014 08:56 PM

I was just reading a little bit of the front page about Mark Zuckerberg( the founder of Facebook), and he bought a bunch of places worth hundreds of millions. The effort to create something like Facebook doesn't seem to be that much when compared to building giant buildings. he has computer coding knowledge which a lot of other people also have before him( and even taught him), but then he founded Facebook to become a multibillionaire.

Now, I am not trying to single him out; he is just an example. I just don't think it's fair to get billions of dollars for creating a website, while regular people with average salary would have to work and sweat for thousands of years to make that much.

I believe back then hundreds of years ago, people were more fair. the harder people worked, the more they reaped. now people just need to do something, like singers making music, and they become set for life. I am just thinking how corrupted the monetary system has become. Some people who can work as hard but don't have anything in this world. some people just work enough to live by. a few put in some work and no longer have to work another day in their lives.

- Cody - 04-08-2014 08:59 PM

It's not that the world has gotten any less fair, it's mainly for these reasons:
1. Society has gotten worse society flocks to what's popular and are willing to pay for it.
2. People are starting to get lazier and expect more for less.
3. We have a LOT more people in this world than we did years ago that being said hearing news about someone being in the right place at the right time happens a lot more often. The higher the population the higher the opportunities to be "One of the lucky ones".

- Michael M - 04-08-2014 09:02 PM

I don't believe distribution of wealth has ever been fair, but it certainly is not fair now. I am in favor of promoting legislation to attempt to reduce income inequality.

- Samantha - 04-08-2014 09:07 PM

In my view, working hard is not enough... the thing which matters really is whether the person is working smartly... Even the person who is a worker in some factory is working hard. The important thing is if the person develops the skills he knows and used those skills with innovative ideas and creatively... Even the smallest work in the world is done with some talent and skills, it will be considered worth to use... So, its important to do hard work at the right path...

- Aditya A. - 04-08-2014 09:12 PM

You can't tell whether it is really fair or not, cause 'being fair' is abstract, and subjective. Just remember, 'being the same is not being equal'

- flatpickle798 - 04-08-2014 09:14 PM

You could also look at it in a different way. He invented something that made a lot of people happy. Facebook has even been used to challenge corrupt politicians. Doesn't he deserve a big reward for influencing so many people's lives?

- Nameless - 04-08-2014 09:24 PM

All Virtues are 'faces' of Love!

The Virtue of;

"Charity means not taking more than your share of anything! Ever!"

Because we;

"Do NOT do to 'others' what you don't want done to you!"
(EVERYTHING in the Universe (and everyone), is 'others' (and 'others' Is Self!)!

There are enough resources for all to live comfortably, enough food, shelter, health care... if the insane (unLoving) selfish and greedy few didn't hog said resources!

All forms of health; physical, mental, emotional, spiritual... are based in the ability to practice Love!
Greed and making other do without is unLoving!

"End Hunger and Poverty!
Eat the Rich!"

- P - 04-08-2014 09:31 PM

No, and I dont suppose it ever will be.

- Pushpa Selvam - 04-08-2014 09:34 PM

I think, NO, It is Distributed Depending On the "PERSONS ABILITY". But, Most of the Able Persons Never Expect Anything.

- Fake Genius - 04-08-2014 09:36 PM

if you're a billionaire, you can say yes definitely.