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Should I trust a First Launched seller on Amazon? - Printable Version

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Should I trust a First Launched seller on Amazon? - hungry - 04-08-2014 08:59 PM

I'm quite worried, I've never been ripped off since I've never bought anything on Amazon before. Not only that, I'm buying a Mac Pro for $780, and the next seller on the list that has reviews is selling it for $840, which is $60 more. Help Please?! I really want this computer, and I'm afraid I'm gonna get ripped off.
Thanks Smile

- hissingwinter275 - 04-08-2014 09:09 PM

For something like a Macbook, I'd just go to the Apple website and buy a refurbished (pre-owned) one. It'll still be expensive (more expensive than Amazon's third party sellers), but at least you'll know that Apple made sure that it's in working order.

I always order from Amazon, but for Apple products, I ALWAYS buy them at Apple (or Target). I have bought a refurbed iPad from Apple and it's just like new.

- Anthony - 04-08-2014 09:13 PM

The chance you'll get ripped off is definitely there, I'd be careful. People also like to lie about the condition of items or put outright counterfeits up (though not sure if they do this with something like a mac pro, would be kind of complicated) so beware.