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I ran out of money on my phone in less than a day? (Read Details)? - Printable Version

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I ran out of money on my phone in less than a day? (Read Details)? - Starswift♦♦ - 10-15-2012 08:49 PM

So i recently Activated The LG Optimus Slider from Virgin mobile.. I have the $35 Beyond Talk Plan which is Unlimited: 3G,Email&IM, mobile Web, Google maps, Android market, Facebook, Twitter, Youtube..
and I have 300 Calling minutes..
Apparently in less than 24 hours i've spent $34.99 (yess i have one cent left..)
It really doesnt make sense that i spent all that money in less than 24 hours..

I have sent only 20 Texts.
I haven't really sent any Proper Calls (such as having a real conversation with anyone.. Yes i did call my home phone to see if my phone worked.. )

I'm not sure if i clicked anything and its been charging me.. But I'm not going to put any money in my account until January 24th..
Has this ever happened to anybody?
How did Virgin (Or Whatever) company do?
Did you get your money back?
Please Help!

I've Also Contacted Virgin. Hopefully They Reply soon(:

- KDawg - 10-15-2012 08:58 PM

Honestly, the best you can do is call virgin mobile Customer Service. Not sure if you are in Canada (I'm sure you are..) but the Virgin Canada number is 1-888-999-2321.

I've had stuff similar happen to me on Bell, and usually they can resolve it. Just remain civil and calm on the phone and they should be very cooperative.

Also, check for any restrictions on your plan. Maybe you used a feature that is charged PPU (Pay-per-use) instead of it being included in your plan.