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what is ON Page Optimization? what kind of work i need to done in my website ? - Printable Version

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what is ON Page Optimization? what kind of work i need to done in my website ? - James - 04-08-2014 09:01 PM

hi friends,
I need to learn about ON Page optimization please share your full information about SEO ON Page Optimization...


- Adam Blansett - 04-08-2014 09:10 PM

Part of it has to do with Meta Tags e.g. Title tags, Description tags, Keyword tags, Robot Tags and the rest has to do with content. e.g. H1 tags, Alt tags, file names, permalinks, and keywords in the content.

- Mikita - 04-08-2014 09:15 PM

On page optimization is all related to changes which you make on your site starting from your design, tags to the changes being made to your site.
it starts with knowing the design of the website then analysing their errors, coming to H1 tags which are important, the meta tags should be properly implemented with keywords, the URLs of the pages and website should be proper, then it comes to implementation of robots file, sitemap.xml, w3c validation also keyword analysis is important with palcing those keywords in content.
All these help you in on page analysis.

- Rohit J - 04-08-2014 09:20 PM


In simple language, the terms stated below are the On page optimization techniques -

# Keyword Analysis
# Title and Meta Tags Creation
# Anchor Tag Optimization
# Heading Tags Optimization
# PDF Optimization
# Image Optimiza suittion
# Video page Optimization
# Internal Search Analysis
# Content Optimization
# Sitemap Generation
# Video sitemap generation
# Add images in Google maps
# Google Authorship Markup (showed image after search results in Google)

I hope my answer would be best suitable to your question.

- pusicu - 04-08-2014 09:29 PM

On page optimization is about bunch of keywords,content optimization and so on. To make an idea of how services look like check this out.

- Samantha - 04-08-2014 09:33 PM

On page optimization is a process to analyzing a website. Checking site map, H1 coding, Meta keywords, Robot.txt, internal links, keywords in URL, keywords in description, keyword in tittle, site hierarchy, content.

- Mathew - 04-08-2014 09:43 PM

Try these things mentioned below:-

1. Xml Sitemap
2. Competitor Analysis
3. Content Optimization
4. Site-map updating / creation
5. URL Structure Changes
6. Internal Linking structure Changes
7. Keyword URL Mapping
8. Creation of Meta Information
9. HTML Coding, Validation & Correction
10. Robots.txt
11. Canonical Issue Check
12. Keyword Research & Analysis
13. H1, H2 & Strong tags
14. URL Architecture

- Alex - 04-08-2014 09:44 PM


you can do on page optimization by maintain all information related to your page or your keyword.

you can maintain keyword in these things for example :

Meta Tags
Meta Descriptions
Heading from H1 to H6
Domain Name
URL page
Image ALT tag
Image name
outbound link's text
Body text
HTML comments

- Beatrix - 04-08-2014 09:46 PM

Hey jack,
On-page is a about improving your website usability, improving website speed, improving content or even making it more attractive through making changes on title, meta tags, site structure, site content, make a xml and html site map and using robot.txt.