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how to Publish a website? - Printable Version

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how to Publish a website? - Andee - 04-08-2014 09:03 PM

My company is wanting to publish an updated website. Can anyone tell me where I can go online or otherwise to put a website online where I would just have to pay one solid fee? I don't want to have to pay monthly for a website. I want to be able to update it too. and I also don't know code. we tried to hire someone but he was going to charge a lot for nothing. thanks
my company does have it's own server
we host website for other people... i just don't know how to make one myself
we already have a website but i need an updated one

- Lition - 04-08-2014 09:08 PM

Unfortunately a website server is something you pay every month or year, since the people who runs the servers also pays every month or year, of course if you know somebody who has a website, he can give you a little share and then you just has to buy the domain name, which is around 20$ a year perhaps, Ive ran a lot of websites in the past, and all the free ones require you to use atleast their names in your address, and the options is of course also very limited like how much stuff u can upload etc.. So I think the best would be paying every year for now.