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I am selling iphone gloves on amazon at 20p+4:99p&p but there not selling 'help??'? - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: I am selling iphone gloves on amazon at 20p+4:99p&p but there not selling 'help??'? (/thread-136832.html)

I am selling iphone gloves on amazon at 20p+4:99p&p but there not selling 'help??'? - Connor - 04-08-2014 09:11 PM

- Lawmonkey - 04-08-2014 09:17 PM

For me personally I hate high p&p prices. Surely an iPhone glove does not cost that much to wrap and post? How much do u want to make from each? Wot price r similar items 4? (unfortunately big companies can afford to undercut regular ebayers now) maybe raise the asking price and drop the p&p, I sometimes find offering free or low p&p but adding that cost to my item can help with selling.
Good luck

- Uncommon Sense - 04-08-2014 09:24 PM

Price is too high.