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How Dell Inspiron N5110 Brightness Fluctuation Problem can solved? - Printable Version

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How Dell Inspiron N5110 Brightness Fluctuation Problem can solved? - Mujahid Majeed - 04-08-2014 09:11 PM

Dell Inspiron N5110 Brightness Fluctuation Problem

My Dell Inspiron N5110 brighthness fluctuates automatically something during normal processing when it is on AC adapter
i have already perform the dell diagnostic test and bios its all OK form these test ..... last time LCD blink and its edges color green and a line horizontally in the middle of the screen i restart the system the problem is solved but i wanna ask how to solve this problem that never happened again and my screen brightness never change again battery setting is on balanced plan ..... this problem occurs some time ....

- Dell Inc. - 04-08-2014 09:19 PM

Hi Mujahid Majeed,

I am Kaveri from the Dell Social Media Outreach team.

I would like to know if issue occurs in BIOS. If you have not yet checked, please restart the computer and tap F2 key at Dell Logo to enter the BIOS.

We can also check in safe mode. Please follow the below mentioned steps:

Restart the computer

Tap F8 key repeatedly at Dell logo for windows Advanced Boot Options.

Use the up/down arrow key to highlight "Safe mode" and press enter.

You can update the chipset driver to resolve this issue. Please find the link below for the same.


1) Enter the Service Tag and press submit button. ( You can find the service tag at the bottom of the laptop on white sticker, it’s a seven digit alphanumeric code which ends with BS or number 1.)
2) Click on Drivers and Downloads.
3) Choose the Operating system.
4) Click drivers and download

In case of any further assistance Please feel free to contact me directly by sending a reply to this blog.
We would recommend you do not post your private information on a public forum.

Thanks & Regards
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