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Why is my Facebook friend so irritated by me? - Printable Version

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Why is my Facebook friend so irritated by me? - Anthony - 04-08-2014 09:11 PM

So I met this girl on Facebook a few months ago, she graduated high school the same year as me, but we never met in person, just on facebook. I just wanted to be friends with her, not to date her or anything like that, just friends and she knew that. So when we first met, I messaged her and she was all nice to me and we got along well. That was a few months ago, we haven't spoken since then. So a few weeks after that, I tagged her in a funny photo about Starbucks and how to catch a white girl, but she didn't really like it and she commented saying "you don't even know me Anthony, why you taggin' me?". So I commented saying "sorry" and I apologized. That was a few months ago, I haven't tagged her since then. Now fast forward to today (a few months later), I recently commented on a photo she shared about the Talking Angela story. I commented saying "it was a hoax, it wasn't true". She then commented saying "you always got sumthin to say on links I post, just stop". I was surprised. I rarely comment on her posts. I only commented on like 3 of her posts since August of last year. I don't know what's up with her. I hardly post anything offensive on Facebook, in fact I hardly post anything at all. Besides, she posts a lot of stuff about her family, her boyfriend, and other things. So what's up with her? Why is she acting this way towards me?

- Comicbook Reader - 04-08-2014 09:20 PM

She's prickly and looking for reasons to be irritated. I'd simply unfriend her and be done with it. She isn't a friend, just someone you know.

- abraXus - 04-08-2014 09:25 PM

it sounds to me like the only reason she added you on facebook was to have more friends to look more popular - it doesnt mean she wants you commenting on her stuff - maybe she is embarrassed to be your friend

take her advice as just stop it

- M S - 04-08-2014 09:30 PM

she is very right, as it sound, she is deeply spiritual [even based on hoax stories] while you are not.
apologize to her or,..... walk away after saying: bye.