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How to promote a fundraiser?!? - Printable Version

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How to promote a fundraiser?!? - Victor - 04-08-2014 09:13 PM

Hello all,

I'm running in the 2014 NYC Marathon taking place in November... I am running for a non-profit organization (Team For Kids), & I need to raise $2,620 minimum in order to participate.. Why the random number you ask? 26.2 miles -> $2,620...

I am wondering about ideas you may have to raise this money & also promote my fundraiser.
I shared it on Facebook & Twitter, told a few friends & family but feel I need more connections...

I was thinking I'd make a flyer to hand out & post around campus & also local businesses. My public speaking professor told me businesses love that kind of stuff because it is basically free advertising & also looks good on their part.

Between friends, family, co-workers & flyer idea, I feel I could pull together a nice chunk of change. But I am eager to get my name out there more! I would like as many resources & donators as possible. Which is why I'm posting this question; seeking answers to how I could raise money by working for others, helping others or making & selling items to others; or by promoting my name & fundraiser wider & better!

More info on my fundraiser: As I said, I am running for "Team For Kids"; a non-profit organization that raises money & awareness for less privileged, disadvantaged children throughout the States, Africa & Australia. All donations go towards promoting youth development, getting kids more active & preventing obesity.

Any feedback/help/advice or even donations are greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance!

- sherry - 04-08-2014 09:17 PM

Hi there back to all.
Have you and your friends have a car wash , bake some pies, and cakes and cookies and sell them. Your word of mouth like you are doing now is the best. I am really proud of you my friend for what you are doing.
Also set out and make you a LOTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT of flyers and drop them off at different stores and places where people who are in to your dream will know where to send you money and leave the a phone # and address . I would get me a separate address a po box just for this so you will not get a lot of junk mail. Send me an address and name and I will send you a donation.
Sherry Kreiter Po box 384
Alvarado, Texas 76009