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Can China beat American pop culture influence? - Printable Version

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Can China beat American pop culture influence? - Naray Poial - 10-15-2012 08:50 PM

China is set to over take America militarily and economically in the next couple decades. But I was think about this last night, are we going to lose our cultural influence? I mean American pop culture has penetrated every market, do you see people dropping America influence for Chinese. Are the going to stop watching American movies/TV shows, to watch Chinese programming? Are they going to drop American music to listen to Chinese music? Are they going to drop McDonald, and Starbucks to eat Chinese fast food? Are they going to stop learning and speaking American English, to learn Chinese? Are American corp. going to lose it's influence, from people using Windows, to looking it up on Google, or using Twitter or Facebook? I don't see any of that going away. I think that is a true advantage that America has over china; our cultural and corp. influence. What do you think?

- Violentbubble315 - 10-15-2012 08:59 PM

LOL no
America's not some follower country. we lead, that's why every other country listens to our music, eats our food (McDonalds -__- ) speaks our language (and also England's language)
yes, China is very advanced, but i REALLY REALLY doubt America will ever follow China

- tirrel00 - 10-15-2012 08:59 PM

One of the main reason america pop culture is so huge is because there are so many nationalities involved.unles they switch over to just uk music

- HelloGoodbye - 10-15-2012 08:59 PM

I think it's possible. I mean culture is pretty much exported and imported. If China were able to have the same influence in the media as the USA it could export it's culture quite easily. I hope that doesn't happen. I'm already tired of all these wannabe gangsters around me. I don't want wannabe monks too!

- TS - 10-15-2012 08:59 PM

In the next couple of decades there won`t be any China or America. Won`t be any sovereign nations for that matter. The world will be entirely different than what we are use to.

- yuzzyman - 10-15-2012 08:59 PM

I don't think that China will ever beat America in its cultural influence. At least I hope not. The problem with China it that it is an authoritarian, autocratic, and you could even call it a communist nation and their main focus is economy and military. Any country that is primarily focused on economy and military and is authoritarian in modern times will almost certainly be culturally deprived and as a result their culture will probably not be that appealing. So while China will almost certainly take us over economically and militarily, I doubt that they will take us over culturally, perhaps that is left for some other country or group of countries to do. Also I doubt that English will ever be taken over as the top second language because both the powers of the United States and Great Britain speak it, millions of people in many different countries have learned it, the populous countries of India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh use it as a unifying language of government and business, and even China itself is expected to become the top English speaking country in the world within the next few years or decades. Also, despite the fact that English is a pretty hard language to learn, Chinese is probably harder with the thousands of characters that they have.

But then again China does have an interesting historical culture to base itself off of and develop even further, but I don't think the Chinese government is particularly interested in doing that.

- Nathaniel - 10-15-2012 08:59 PM


You said penetrated

- iRawr - 10-15-2012 08:59 PM

Not really for the food thing because America is one of the only places on earth where you can go outside, drive for a mile, and see foods and resturaunts orgining from 19 diffrent cultures. Its what makes America unique, and thats only ONE thing.

- CTC - 10-15-2012 08:59 PM

The Chinese have a tight grip over their media. So it never will.