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advertising a blog for free on the internet? - Printable Version

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advertising a blog for free on the internet? - punysleet536 - 04-08-2014 09:15 PM

i have a blog i want to advertise, but i was told it's illegal to advertise for money on facebook, for instance. you can't use it to make money. when you sign up to leave a comment on someone's article, it states you can't use it to make money.
my blog is free, but you get to read a first chapter or two and if you want the rest of the book you have to order it from amazon and that costs money.
can i still leave a comment with a link on someone's article leading to my blog if the subject in the article is related to my blog? it's a vampire story. where can if find articles or forums where i can leave a comment?

- Ed Atun - 04-08-2014 09:19 PM

You are correct about Facebook's anti-advertising policy. You could get banned if they think you are only visiting with people to promote your site or product. Instead of the link to your blog, ask them to visit your Facebook page. When they do, they will see the info about the vampire story. Some will be interested enuf to buy it.

- Nicholas - 04-08-2014 09:22 PM

Try to advertise your blog in social networking sites.