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Is Facebook really Sad? - Printable Version

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Is Facebook really Sad? - JellyFish - 04-08-2014 09:16 PM

I used to be on Facebook but i deleted my account. I think it is really pathetic that people post many photos of themselves and others to try and prove to everyone that their life is so brilliant. It's just a blatant popularity contest amongst insecure individuals. Peoples contacts list saying 300-400 friends is ridiculous. Very few people have that many friends unless you are famous. And a good percentage of these people you never spend anytime with either.

Another thing that drives me insane is peoples' statuses. ' Sarah is on her way sopping for an outfit for tonight' or ' Mark has hangover from last night.' Quite frankly nobody cares what you are thinking or doing. Why does these people seem to feel that they have to constantly update everyone on every action of there average lives! People have become so suckered into Facebook,Myspace,Bebo etc that they go out of there way each day to update this and add new photos to impress people. If everyones lives were so busy and hectic like many profess, they wouldn't find the time to spend ridiculous amounts of time on a social networking sites.

Yes there are some good points about facebook such as advertising, keeping in touch with close family and friends but isn't that what email addresses and mobile phones are for!!?
Rose, who said i was brilliant i just want opinions on Facebook etc as sombody brought the subject the other day full stop.

- Anthony - 04-08-2014 09:19 PM

its fun ur right only add people u know right

- tirama11 - 04-08-2014 09:22 PM

Honestly, it sounds like a personal problem. Stop hating on those who do enjoy it. It's fine that you don't, but don't down the people who do.

- Warmachineacdc - 04-08-2014 09:30 PM

i totally agree with you...
i deleted too my account...
i only have msn
so that i can talk to my friends...
these guys want to prove that
they are in the top of food chain...
but i know really nice people(most of girls)
who have facebook and they use it in a proper way!

- hello_fascination - 04-08-2014 09:32 PM

yes it is really sad. ive thought multiple times of getting a facebook, but all it is, is pictures of others. whats the point? i do have a myspace, but that's only to talk to my friends that i never see and to listen to my player.
but whoever came up wtih facebook really didnt have anything to do

- RockDude - 04-08-2014 09:42 PM

facebook is a good way to share picture and other social info. you can also find old friends if u moved in to anther country or something. But some ppl abuse it by staying on it for hours and hours, and for some ppl its good cuz they can stalk on there victim. And facebook has caught tones of criminals.

- mammothbook313 - 04-08-2014 09:48 PM

Yes.Thats really true.
I have a facebook too but I use it only to keep in touch with my friends from my old school.

- Mightysheet925 - 04-08-2014 09:50 PM

Well, I think that you sound like you're way too riled up about it, but you're just saying what all of us really think. So good for you! (Seriously.)

I hate it when people add me and I don't know them. I say, "Have we met?" And they say "nope!" and that's it or they say, "Didn't you go to MHS?" And I'm like "For a 3 years 5 years ago but that school is huge, I haven't met everyone that graduated that year." and they say, "oh."

It's like, WTF. I will admit I am a serial status updater. I don't really say things like "I have a hangover" or "am shopping for a dress." It's more things that have been on my mind or whatever... I use it habitually and I admit that I do, but for those that post their statuses 15 times saying step by step how they are trying to get laid it drives me insane.

I also have no life, and spend way too much time on the apps on there... but as far as I know that's not hurting anybody so I think I'm good in that department. =] (OH, and no, not the apps that keep trying to get you to invite your friends! GOD THOSE ARE ANNOYING.)

What I don't get too are those people who sit in "Farmville" or "YoVille" or "Restaraunt City" and then I get a million invites. No, I do not want to harvest a virtual farm.

I also keep my facebook as my photo album for myself, in a way. My profile is all private so that only friends may view it. including my pics. There are people I know who have thousands of friends... and it just makes me wonder how LONELY they really are!

- pork pk - 04-08-2014 09:53 PM

facebook is a cesspool, and yes, i agree with you on the "statuses" part...

"i am currently smoking crack"

"i am taking a massive dump"

"i am headed to the pharmacy to buy the morning-after pill"....

and so forth. it's a calamity of the internet... the only use i see for it is laughing at the unfathomable retardation.

- idk - 04-08-2014 09:59 PM

It's just another dating site, more and more people cheating on one other. ever since the networking site have been out, lots of people are more likly to find someone to meet with. the internet cause lots of break up. I have nothing against it. but it's true.
It's more direct to talk to someone online than in person.