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HELP! Facebook Conflict ! Plzz? - Printable Version

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HELP! Facebook Conflict ! Plzz? - Nevaeh - 04-08-2014 09:18 PM

Okay so I'm eleven yrs old and my mom caught me on facebook. she doesnt like me on facebook and I was talking to this boy. I dont know what to do. She saw it on my laptop while I was sleep and today she told me not to delete anything i wanna see who youve been talking to. so I deleted everything from my google chrome browser and from my mozilla firefox browser. i signed out of facebook. im like scared i mean she might beat me and i know shes gonna take away all of my stuff. my tablet and this laptop. i dont know what to do. somebody help.
the account isnt mine

- Precious Gem - 04-08-2014 09:23 PM

First you are too young to have a Facebook account. You must be 13. This means you have lied in order to get the account. Second, there are sexual predators on the Internet. Your mother knows this. That is why she wants to know who you are talking to. Finally, trying to hide all of this isn't going to help you. It will only get you into more trouble. If mom takes the tech toys then learn a lesson from all this and listen to your mother. She is only looking out for your best interests.

- Katsmom37 - 04-08-2014 09:30 PM

I agree with Precious Gem...your mom just wants to check for predators, she's not going to really care about the boy you've been talking to.

She's really trying to protect you from all of the sickos in this world.

- menykats - 04-08-2014 09:35 PM

Not only are you too young to be posting on Facebook, you are also too young to be posting questions on this board. Yahoo Answers requires that posters be at least 13 years of age. Perhaps someone will report you to Yahoo, and Yahoo will block you.
If you knew your mother didn't want you on Facebook, then why did you do it? The fact that it is not your account does not matter. You had to ask someone for their password before you could log on to Facebook, and you were disobeying your mother when you did so.
I doubt that your mother will beat you (don't be so dramatic), but she may take away all your stuff and your tablet and your laptop. You got caught, and whatever your mother does is your own fault.