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Long distance relationship advice? - Printable Version

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Long distance relationship advice? - Quee - 04-08-2014 09:19 PM

I met a girl online on a social media app called whisper. I am 20 and she is 17. I have never been in an actual relationship including long distance relationships and she hasn't also.

any advice?

- Ellie - 04-08-2014 09:21 PM

It never works.

- Zainab - 04-08-2014 09:25 PM

It never worked for me, we have been with each other for almost 4 years and he is now preparing for his marriage. and we are to waay older then you both.
Stay best friends and see what life may give you, you will never know maybe it will return for a good things between both of you Smile
best of luck

- Alice - 04-08-2014 09:32 PM

You can have a try, the distance is not problem. Many people are felling in love on online .

- Larz - 04-08-2014 09:39 PM

Sadly one person stops trying Sad and thats how it stuffs up in the end

- Glecy - 04-08-2014 09:43 PM

Mostly it never really worked. One might think its serious while for the other it is just purely a pasttime. But still we could never really tell, we are not in your situation. All i can say is, as long as your enjoying it and you still happy with your relationship, then just go on with it and time will tell. You can say for yourself if it would really work or not.

- Seasskies - 04-08-2014 09:51 PM

Psshhhh to those who are saying it won't ever work.It will work,but it depends on how you love each other,if you're both truly commited to each other and if you both trust each other fully.It's all about loyalty,determination and trust.If you just met,though..I'd suggest for you two to not rush things.Dating someone online isn't so wise,but once you get to know them well and trust them completely then it won't be a problem.Go for it!If you really like her and think that there's a chance,then go!But,do try to call her and stuff,like after a few months in your would make her happy and also try to visit her! It can work if you both truly love each other. = ) I'm in a LDR too and met my bf online.There will be ups and downs ,but if you both are willing to get through that,you will.Me and my bf were together for 8months,broke up cause of me and got back and now we're stronger than ever.Just remember to always give time to her too.Goodluck!!