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Why has my download slowed down when everything else loads fine like webpages and its not my isp? - Printable Version

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Why has my download slowed down when everything else loads fine like webpages and its not my isp? - Shaun - 04-08-2014 09:19 PM

also i have malwarebytes and the full version avg antivirus neither finding anything.. webpages all load fine although a speed test shows i am getting 93% slower net than i should be (sat net) the problem has persisted for a few weeks. and as for downloads.. I am getting 1b to 5kbps speed when its supposed to be 10mbps.. (even my isps tech support cannot figure out why)

- Boss - 04-08-2014 09:25 PM

Check your cables
Check its not computer.

- Laurence - 04-08-2014 09:32 PM

What is your internet service provider? Am I assuming correctly that by (sat net) you are referring to satellite internet? If so I have a couple questions. do you download a lot or stream a lot of youtube Netflix or do online gaming? Because I know ALOT of satellite internet companies offer great prices but what they don't usually tell you or they do in a why where you don't "Catch It" is that almost ALL satellite internet providers offer internet but have a Cut-off or certain amount of bandwidth to use each month. I say that because from working for satellite companies before it sounds like you used you "allotted" bandwidth. Although they wont "Turn-Off" your internet they WILL Slow it down to almost a crawl. So answer these questions honestly. Then ask your satellite service provider if they have a Bandwidth cap. Meaning say to them " Hey I know I pay $$ a month for XXMb/s internet speeds. Is there a bandwidth cap that automatically slows my connection down if I reach it. I am ALMOST POSITIVE this is your issue.
#1. You prolly download a lot of things or use Netflix, Hulu or other streaming sites a lot
#2. Webpages will always load fast for the most part even if your connection is slowed to a crawl almost.

Please give me a thumbs up if this was helpful or if you understood what I was saying. Please let us know what it was if u find out.