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Real player downloader not working, how to fix it? - Printable Version

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Real player downloader not working, how to fix it? - Robert - 04-08-2014 09:20 PM

I can download videos, but as soon as i finish, its says not complete, and then it doesn't work, what am i doing wrong?

- Hangman609 - 04-08-2014 09:27 PM

i think its ur connection problem..u might be having datapacket loss..u shuld do will show u f u hav packet loss link > if it is a packetloss problem then im afraid u cant do anything it is ur serviceproviders fault to me more accureat not yours ..hope this helps

- Dexter - 04-08-2014 09:29 PM

instead use IDM (internet download manager) it is can be downloaded and works very well. its an excellent downloader.
search on google.

- Mark - 04-08-2014 09:35 PM

I've had that problem before first make sure that whatever internet you are using weather it be internet explorer, Mozilla Firefox, or Google Chrome make that it is up to date, next uninstall real player and re install it. Then once you have done that if it still doesn't work let me know what internet you are using so that I can tell you what settings you need to go to, to enable real downloads.

- Pier - 04-08-2014 09:39 PM

Try this downloader
For me it is working fine.