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creepy guy took advantage of my innocence? - Printable Version

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creepy guy took advantage of my innocence? - ella - 04-08-2014 09:20 PM

So I was chatting with this guy on facebook and at first i really liked him and we would talk about things like favourite films and sports etc. Then all of a sudden he was like can I ask you more personal questions and i said sure, and he was like have you ever kissed anyone and i said no. But then his questions started becoming more personal and he was like have you touched yourself, and i said well who hasnt (i didnt understand it and first) and then he said no down there with your fingers...and like an idiot i actually replied to his stupid questions. A few days ago us girls were talking about guys and then one girl said how this guy messages her too and asks her weird questions and how she blocked him. none of them replied to his creepy questions besides me. and now hes telling people that im not as innocent as i look just because i replied to his stupid questions. Im scared that other guys can look at his facebook messages and read that conversation. i really dont know what to do because it is my fault for being stupid and answering his questions but was really stupid. Please help???

- Orlando - 04-08-2014 09:24 PM

you are not stupid beauty but you are to trusting only trust those that would never hurt you in any way. like me

- Jade - 04-08-2014 09:26 PM

I'm not really sure because it is a really bad thing to reply to him and you don't know him he could be someone from example your school, or a pedophile. Be very careful and I hope you didn't give out personal information like your address.
All I can think of doing is blocking him, don't respond, and report him on Facebook.
Don't do anything like that again!

- stebburn - 04-08-2014 09:36 PM

no one can read his messages unless he wants them too ...

just block him ...

at least your never do this thing again in a hurry ... so there is a PLUS to all this

if i had a 1p for every stupid or potentially embarrassing thing i done , i would have about 2p by now ..... it happens

- wayfaroutthere - 04-08-2014 09:40 PM

He is manipulating you further by hoe-shaming you. Doesn't matter that you aren't a hoe. You are afraid he will make people think you are, and that you will be ashamed. That gives him power over you.

Hate to tell you this, but the only way to get over extortion is to ignore whatever chip or dirt is being held over you. If you don't care what he says about you, then he has no power over you. If you give him anything at all to stop him from posting something, telling someone something, or whatever--then he manipulates you into giving him a bigger chip that he can use to get even more from you later. If he wants to tell your dad what you do to yourself, tell him to make your day. Your dad will probably want to kill him-not you. You may be grounded for a bit and get your computer tracked by the parents--so what?

If all he has is posts of you saying embarrassing stuff, ignore him and block him. If he posts it, he posts it--you can't do much about that. If you give in and keep talking to him, meet him, or strip on snap for him, then he will get something even better to threaten you with.

That's why you beat extortion by saying "so what, tell the world, I don't care". Take the embarrassment or punishment for whatever he has on you, rather than giving him even more stuff to torture you with.

- Sammy - 04-08-2014 09:47 PM

Don't worry dear whether you like it or not people will always try to make you look bad... I'm a virgin and I plan on keeping that until marriage even though my boyfriend is the best person I've ever had the pleasure of meeting and sometimes I feel like showing my appreciation... Yet despite it all I do not do anything sexual, but girls who don't like me go around telling everyone that I've been having sex and giving other guys bl** jobs?? Like really?? No matter what happens as long as you know you are pure then you are pure, only you know yourself