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Why do American talk about standing up to the tyranny but never actually do? - Printable Version

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Why do American talk about standing up to the tyranny but never actually do? - Elena - 04-08-2014 09:20 PM

This is a comment on a Facebook post about the girl who was stolen from her parents by the state because the parents did not agree with the medical diagnoses and tried to take her home.

The headline read:
"State Awarded permanent custody of Justina Pelletier"

and the top comment read:

""Awarded". I'm thinking a "Rescue Mission" is in order. Any fellow Vets with me on this one?"

and this comment had 67 likes!!!

So there is 67 people who agree with this guy that they should march into that hospital and liberate the kidnapped child, but we all know not one person will do so. We all know not one guy who liked that comment, nor the guy who made the comment, has any intention to actually attempt to liberate this girl.
yes ignorant stoney, because the state is always right! Just like when we are told we have to treat our cancer with radiation/chemo, even though countless are treating their cancer successfully through natural means We must feed our children pharmaceutical poison instead of curing them the better more natural way. I mean anyone who wants eastern medicine is obviously a cook. Do some investigation and decide for yourself instead of just blindly accepting everything an authority figure says
Brian read the article these guys are not cooks who think praying is going to heal. They just disagreed with the diagnoses of the girl and attempted to bring her home. Now more than a year later the girls condition has DETERIORATED not improved. If western medicine is so great why does she continue to get worse? And why was she not getting worse until the state kidnapped her and imprisoned her in a hospital?

- stony1111 - 04-08-2014 09:30 PM

Would you prefer the child die due to the parent's ignorance?

- Keith - 04-08-2014 09:31 PM

Because there is no tyranny in the US, our govt won't allow anyone in an elected post to act like a tyrant.

- b - 04-08-2014 09:35 PM


Ruby Ridge

- Φοίνιξ - 04-08-2014 09:42 PM

That is a very good question. In the 1960s we _did_ stand up to the government and many of us were beaten and jailed for that. SOME of us died it the streets for that (one such incident is the Kent State massacre on 4 May 1970).
Why we do not stand up to them today is that there are some very many "liberals" who are living off of the gov't.

- Brian B - 04-08-2014 09:45 PM

I tend to agree with the idea that the state can intervene on the behalf of a patient if that patient's guardian is making decisions that are clearly not based in medical science, and are not in the best interest of the patient.

It is one thing to say you need to pray for your child while they undergo treatment, and quite another to say prayer is the only answer, and that you will refuse medical care.

- anonymous - 04-08-2014 09:55 PM


- Just Saiyan - 04-08-2014 09:57 PM

The problem with being a right wing nut job is that they tend to believe everyone is out to get them. Thus, while thousands of people might hate America, they absolutely refuse to work together. They also have enough wits to know that just one person on their own won't get very far.

- Big K - 04-08-2014 10:04 PM

You're correct that guy is not planning on doing anything, mostly because it would be a much larger matter than merely marching into the hospital and grabbing the girl, and whether he'll admit it or not that guy knows it. In order for social change through violence to occur in the U.S. you'd need to arm and mobilize a force at least large enough to overwhelm local law enforcement and then you'd need to keep them under arms for the duration of the event, which could last weeks. There are isolated cases in the U.S. where this has happened, for example in Athens, Tennessee in 1946 a group of men actually did rebel successfully against local authorities after evidence of massive political corruption. For more current events just look at things like the L.A. Riots, which whether you agree with their purpose or not certainly enacted change in the way L.A. was managed. If that guy on facebook actually had 67 people willing to follow him into this I guarantee you that child services worker would be removed from their position no matter how things played out.

- Spock (rhp) - 04-08-2014 10:05 PM

isn't that what you libs are scrounging George Bush for?

standing up to tyranny?

how ya like it when your boy Obama rolls over for a tyrant?