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website help/adivce!!!!!!? - Printable Version

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website help/adivce!!!!!!? - D123 - 04-08-2014 09:22 PM

Hi I am about to make my e-commerce site I was just wondering would this work for example when i gain more experience in html and php would it be possible to revamp my site or to delete the woo commerce page and then upload my own create website through the ftp on hostgator.

can you delete the whole of the woo commerce page and then upload a website you created through ftp will my domain still be their?

Also do you recommend big cartel over woo commerce please give your reasons why as well. Another thing lets say i was to move from woo commerce to shopify, big cartel or magneto would it work and what would i have to do? I hope i am not stuck to woo commerce once am with it?

I heard that generally the plugins sometimes crash when things are updated with woocommerce.

- AnnOzerguy - 04-08-2014 09:24 PM

You are never stuck, so to speak. You can change from one platform to another on your hosting account, although this would require a little work.

I'm not sure why you would be thinking of changing when you haven't even started yet. Woo commerce is very good platform. No platform is perfect by the way. So even if you find something that doesn't work too well for you with Woo commerce, it's likely that something else might not work too well for you with another platform. I personally found Magento complicated overall...

- eddie - 04-08-2014 09:32 PM

1st start with your requirements - does Woo commerce met all your needs (now & future)? Do you need configurable or bundles products? Do you need multi store or multi website capability? Then you need to look at the competing systems in the light of your requirements - which is the best fit, which has the best support, 3rd party extensions, etc.

As for portability - if you host the site yourself (as opposed to using shopify or other hosted solutions), then you have the freedom to migrate to another platform (although you will have a mapping job to do).

Finally, which system are you able to support (in terms of technical know how or money)? Magento is not for the inexperienced or technically limited.