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Do apps on smartphones track your online purchases and online web searches and do they create ads on the applications? I - Printable Version

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Do apps on smartphones track your online purchases and online web searches and do they create ads on the applications? I - immenseProfessional844 - 04-08-2014 09:24 PM

or do they share your ads that are customized for you from your web searches with other people using the app or similar apps? Or only with you? And do apps use data from your email like purchases that you've made and sell this information to people, ads or companies/stores in your area?

- zo219 - 04-08-2014 09:30 PM

Of course they track and share, to get as much info as they can—because that’s where the money is, in selling that info. There are various privacy sites online and apps for devices. Do a search, and also check the privacy settings on your phone. Turn off Location Services you don’t need.

There are also firewall apps, tho they may be available only from Cydia, that let you control your outgoing info.