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Online Creeper Question? - Printable Version

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Online Creeper Question? - Screwloose - 04-08-2014 09:24 PM

Okay I met this dude on Roblox we have been friends for 3 months. Soo I told him I was really a girl and he calls me babe now.. ._. Can people find where I really live on Roblox? I never told him my name or where I live. I just told him I'm a girl. I'm freaked out.. Help!

- Aaa - 04-08-2014 09:30 PM

If they are really stalkers, there's nothing that can't be done. Do not reveal anymore personal information for safety purposes.

- Tim - 04-08-2014 09:33 PM

roblox is a safe site, they can't find out where you live and isn't babe just the female version of dude? nothing to worry about, tell him you don't like him calling you babe and move on.

general rules you should follow on the interwebs:

Don't give out:
Last name
State or province
Phone Numbers
Skype is generally a bad idea as well as facebook because there is personl info on there

Don't open any files send to you.

there you go kids, have fun on the internet.

- allanya - 04-08-2014 09:42 PM

Nothing to worry about! No personal infromation can be seen through roblox! c:
Roblox is a secure site, roblox email: if you ever need any help in the future