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How can I turn away marketers at my door? - Printable Version

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How can I turn away marketers at my door? - Amber - 04-08-2014 09:25 PM

I'm planing to move out of my family's in a year and live on my own and I know I will avshley be havineg marketers at my door . Now I alrady know what to do if it is a mormon or JW at my door but as fiar as marketers what do I do ?

- Ring0Rosie - 04-08-2014 09:31 PM

NEVER, EVER, EVER open the door to someone you do not know.

Look out the peep hole, I you don't recognize them, just grab your phone and walk away- never open the door. If they continue to knock, call the police. There's never a situation where you'd have to turn away a Mormon, JW or a marketer, becuase you should never open the door to talk to them in the first place. Have some common sense and don't put yourself at risk just to be polite.