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Slow internet on only one computer? - Printable Version

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Slow internet on only one computer? - Marokkino - 04-08-2014 09:26 PM

I have a 60mbps subscription at bright house network and a router Zyxel zywall USG20. My internet speed is just fine expect on one computer, my gaming desktop (of course).
Whenever i try to accomplish bandwidth-consuming tasks such as downloading, watching a video on youtube, try to find game servers, my download speed drops from 20mbps to 20kbps. If I'm lucky, i will be able to quickly launch a game at my computer startup, find a game and play with a good ping all the way, but if the game were to crash and I tried to relaunch it, I wont be able to to anything, including surfing, at a speed over 30kbps. So I opened my router panel and found out that the connect rate of my computer is ridiculously low compared to every other devices.
By the way, I can watch videos just fine and download at 2mbps on all my other devices.

Screenshot of my router panel:

I would be thankful to anyone who has a mere idea of what is happening.

- Lawrence - 04-08-2014 09:32 PM

Try wiring the device directly to the modem without it going through the router