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My website just got infected with malware... What are the SEO implications? - Printable Version

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My website just got infected with malware... What are the SEO implications? - Ryan - 04-08-2014 09:27 PM

My website just got infected with malware. Not sure how this happened but there was a long javascript code inserted just below the footer on each page and google emailed me saying that they saw it was infected and are now displaying a warning page to anyone that clicks on my site through organic seo searches. I have deleted out the code and have resubmitted my site to be taken off their black list but I have taken a hit in both my local search rankings (im a contractor in the baltimore area) and my regular seach rankings. Once I am off their bad list will my results go back to where they were or will it take longer (weeks? months?) Any thoughts?

- Nic - 04-08-2014 09:28 PM

Hi there,

I see this every so often and unfortunately all you can do is what google/Matt Cutts and his team asks of us, it is frustrating that a hacked/infected.... site is penalised at no fault of our own, but once you have cleared the issues, resubmitted in approximately 4 to 6 weeks time you should start to bounce back (once Google has performed its spider search), if this does not happen then it may well be worth while looking into your link profile for any dodgy links...

it maybe worth you while taking a look at this video by Matt Cutts in relation to the lates Algorithm update (penguin 2.0) and how it effects hacked sites....!

All the best!

Nic Cohen - Head of Online Marketing -