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does my aries ex really hate me? - Printable Version

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does my aries ex really hate me? - Liliana - 04-08-2014 09:27 PM

Ive been dating an aries man with a scorpio moon on and off for over a year now. Im a scorpio woman with a pisces moon. In the beginning there was an instant connection it was like love at first sight. Since then we've had countless deep conversations about all his business and childhood and he spoke to me about marriage often even though we're only 20. However i wasnt feeling his flakyness and inability to show me consistency or tell me he loves me even though he told me while he was drunk that he did and i was pretty sure he did. Regardless i slowly backed off and he came for me hard saying i was perfect he loved everything about me and could marry me. we got back together. he didnt change. i started to change with him. instead of this loving woman who accepted him and all his mistakes no matter how much he hurt me, i became angry with him lashing out cursing at him and stopped seeing him when he asked me to and he started to hate me slowly. he no longer kissed me accused me of being unfaithful said i was too crazy and smothering (because i checked his facebook and found him talking to other girls. he wasnt angry but when i broke it off with him because of that he turned it on me for invasion of privacy). he also said he never loved me and to leave him alone... im confused. i thought we both loved eachother so much and now hes telling me he never loved me and i want him back.... any thoughts? he says nobody has every gotten under his skin like i have... i wonder if i have all that power its because he does love me....

- loveyoureyes - 04-08-2014 09:31 PM

Im aries with scorpio moon I got into a realtionship when I was twenty with scorpio wonab it was just the same I couldnt tell her about my feelings and she got mad and she started to make me feel jelouse I started to think she is cheating on me and she thought the same she suddenly stopped talking to me and I left her . I think he didnt hate at all I think he misses you right now he couldnt tell u his feeling because he didnt used to it thats all the girls in fb u should be more clear with him tell him its bothering you . Abd I think the only way to get this realtionship in the rigt way communicate more tell each other how u exactly feel he didnt hate and he doesn't hate u trust me .

- the dreamer. - 04-08-2014 09:37 PM

The thing to know about a Scorpio moon is they love intensely and they hate intensely. It's either love you or hate you, nothing in between. Also they don't forgive easily at all! Once you break their heart they won't forget. When he said he never loved you, he's lying. Trust is important to him and for him to be happy he has to trust you and you have to trust him in return, he wants loyalty and if you can't do that then it won't work. You said you stopped seeing him when he asked you to, I wonder why you did that? I bet he was pissed! Just be careful having a Scorpio moon boyfriend, careful about what you say and do to them because they don't take everything that's been said lightly, then think about it for ages. So does he hate you? Only he knows and from knowing Scorpio moons I think he is having bad thoughts about you and you need to gain his trust again :/ if you really love him, show him! and he may love you again

- luna - 04-08-2014 09:45 PM

Aries are more of starters and initiators. they may get things rolling or even plan for the future but they sometimes lack follow through and come off as flaky.
Aries men are very.. they seem to have short but fiery relationships and then something else catches their interest.

I am in no way saying Aries will never commit and marry I'm just saying those are some.. not so positive aspects that could be affecting the relationship.