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how i earn money from my website? - Printable Version

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how i earn money from my website? - Praveen - 04-08-2014 09:29 PM

I Want to create general information mostly education related website. How I earn from this site ?For example, In September month 1000 visitors come in my site, they open 2500 pages, they spend 250 hrs in my site (without open any advertisement, shopping act. just reading information and spend time in my in my site).

- Nikhil Chhabra - 04-08-2014 09:37 PM

It's only the advertisements that fetch you money. There's simply no other way you can earn from a website unless you're a seller. You can use Google AdSense or any other suitable ads of your choice. Good luck!

- Karl Skotte - 04-08-2014 09:43 PM

Users who are running their own web site may be interested in making money on the website to help with the cost of running the web site and to help pay for the time spent creating the web site. Often individuals can generate money on their website using referral programs, associate programs, and Internet advertising.

- Shana - 04-08-2014 09:45 PM

I'm earning with my website using just three methods...banners, popups, interstitial adv and so on. I wrote a post on the same website explaining how I was earning, also showing payment proof and other details. Just give a look if you want,
this is the link: