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Tumblr username & url ideas? - Printable Version

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Tumblr username & url ideas? - Jessi - 04-08-2014 09:29 PM

So my name is Jessica, i just recently lost my dad on October 30th, i'm wanting to make a tumblr, but i don't know what i should use for the url, nor do i know what to use for my username. i was thinking maybe something like for my url, but i don't know. my dad liked surfing, & i was his little girl, his baby girl. i don't want my tumblr to be entirely of him, i was just thinking maybe it can have a part of him, like his username & stuff used to be live2surf, because he likes to surf, oh & he also had a tattoo of a lightning bolt, so i was thinking maybe my url could be but i don't surf. also, one of his favorite songs was unwell, so i was also thinking unw3lljessi for my username or something, i don't know. i like my nickname jessi which could also be used in my username. i don't want my url to have my name in it or anything, i want it to be creative, like i was thinking maybe something like or something simple & creative & unique like that, something hipster ish. i was thinking something for my username like jessidelrey but that's already been taken of course. -.- but yea. any help is enough, thank you in advance. also, please no numbers like jessigirl1234 or some dumb stuff like that. i want complete unique.
i was thinking also i could do or

- Mist - 04-08-2014 09:30 PM

if you get anything about surfing, you'll attract the wrong kind of users. actual surfing enthusiasts will come to your blog, hoping to find something that will reflect their interests, pictures of the sea, and the sun, and california and who knows what, and instead they'll find a girl who is doesn't surf. meanwhile, other people who might be interested in the content of you blog won't check it out because they'll think it's a surfing blog, which it is not. I like the "unw3ll" one, but if it's not taken, just keep it like that- "unw3ll" without the "jessi", or try "unvvel" (the vv's being a w). hope that helps Big Grin!

- massivedonkey359 - 04-08-2014 09:39 PM

i like living without my king Smile