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Followers on tumblr? - Printable Version

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Followers on tumblr? - mina - 04-08-2014 09:30 PM

I just made a tumblr account a few days ago, and I only have three followers.
And I was wondering how to get more followers on tumblr.
Any help?
I heard something about follow for follow?
Thank you~~

(Oh, I mostly post about anything, but I also post animes too [: )

- xoxo-gossip-girl - 04-08-2014 09:34 PM

here's what you do:
-reblog/like a lot of people's posts (they might follow you after they see you in their notes)
-post a lot of original content and tag it with loads of (relevant) tags
-you can search up "follow for a follow" and follow people who'll follow back
-ask people for follow backs
-share your tumblr on other social media sites
-talk to people, whether its by replying, asking, or reblogging stuff and adding a comment

don't worry too much about followers though, that's not the main point of tumblr (that's why your follower number is hidden to others). keep posting what you love and you'll get followers Smile