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Are skype video calls monitored and stored? - Printable Version

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Are skype video calls monitored and stored? - Em1 - 04-08-2014 09:30 PM

I live in the middle east. I am in a long distance relationship, and i am always using Skype to communicate with my bf. But as recent events regarding Microsoft and Skype scandals occurred, i have become highly concerned about the privacy on Skype. Isn't Skype supposed to be live stream? are they really spying storing all these video calls? I would highly appreciate an honest answer as i have searched the web about this but haven't found a straight answer.

- Sid - 04-08-2014 09:38 PM

You could try using FaceTime if you have an apple device. They are 100% secure

- Ricardo - 04-08-2014 09:46 PM

well to be sincere they dont store them but they can have rapid acess to your mic or camera if they suspect you are doing something bad but who knows but dnt worry