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i didnt understand ****, nonsense !!!? - Printable Version

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i didnt understand ****, nonsense !!!? - Richard - 04-08-2014 09:30 PM

have a crush on this girl. one day I was waiting for the professor and I saw my crush and her friend X who is also a friend of mine across from me. then all of a sudden they disappeared. while I was moving around I saw her friend whispering to her and 2 minutes later my crush came to me and my friend Y and she started a convo with us. nothing much

one week later while I was explaining to a guy a theory in physics and I mentioned the word
relationship, her friend X turned around and asked me are u in relationship

2 weeks later I confessed to this girl I like her via email and got no reply. I asked her friend to intervene and her reply was I am not interested in anyone.
I asked her friend if I can talk to her and she said yes you can talk to her but she is not interested in anyone. I said I am afraid that she wont open up to me and she was like a simple hi can start a convo
I asked her friend again if she advises me to ask her out she said no back off she really doesn't appreciate all this

we had a group presentation and she was sitting right at the back, one of my group was presenting and I was standing at the sides then I suddenly looked in her direction she was looking at me since she looked down as soon as I looked at her, she was not looking at the guy presenting.

I am not a friend with her in Facebook but blocked her because I wanted to forget her. i unblocked her after one month

now she stares at me more and one day I was going to the class I stopped to chat with a friend, while I was chatting she passed by me and stopped a few meters in front of me looked at me and then I guess she pretended that she is looking for something in her bag and when I passed by I could see that she looking fat me from the corners of my eyes. two days later we were in the elevator and she was alone before we go out she looked at me over her shoulders , as we went out of the elevator ( she was in front of me ) she was walking super slow

the other day one of my colleagues was sitting next to her and he asked me a question, she turned around and as I finished she said yeah he is right

I send her a facebook message saying that I got it ( I mean that I got it that she has feelings for me)
she didn't block me

one week later I send her a Facebook message saying that I will be coming early to lecture and may be we can talk, she blocked me.

the next day I was in the lab and it was nearly empty, she came in and sat right in front of me despite there are plenty of seats. her friend X came in later and sat next to me then she said to my crush why are u sad she turned around and she didn't reply then her friend X turned to me and said why are u so mean. I asked her what did you she smiled and said I said nothing

today as we were in the lab she sat in another row next to me ( 3 seats away from me), 10 minutes later she stood up and walked in front of me through the space between my row and the row in front of me and as she was walking away she looked over her shoulders in my direction then moved out of the class, I am pretty much sure she wanted to grab my attention coz she could have just followed another easier path where there is lots of space to move ?

one week later one of my friends caught her staring at me and during the same day I looked over my shoulders at the back and I can see from the corner of my eye that she looked down

tyesterday when we were in the lab she was sitting right in the front and I was sitting 2 rows at the back at the sides and she looked at me once then once again and she looked down quickly and smiled to herself

today we were walking in the opposite direction in a big hall and as soon as she saw me she put her head down and walked until she was right in front of me, she almost bumped into me ( with her head down) then she changed direction

today i was sitting in chair in a hall way i saw her walking with her head down and texting ( or pretending to text) and as soon as she walked near me she slowed down and she started smiling to herself

I am not deluding but I cant understand this ?

- Philllip - 04-08-2014 09:33 PM

Yeah girls are weird dude. Believe it or not they respond when you're a jerk or mean. She was probably turned on when you blocked her on facebook. Try going up to her with a macho tough guy/jock persona it might just work

- Keaton - 04-08-2014 09:39 PM

My spouse and i suggest applying to be able to unblock web sites. I have been using them since 5 years.