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Why should Google be worried about Facebook and Twitter? - Printable Version

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Why should Google be worried about Facebook and Twitter? - Curious - 04-08-2014 09:31 PM

Why should Google be worried about Facebook and Twitter

- abraXus - 04-08-2014 09:35 PM

people still use twitter?

google has nothing to worry about

what gave you that impression?

- john - 04-08-2014 09:42 PM

google mainly for search, so they no worry

- plutonic - 04-08-2014 09:51 PM

The name of the game with these giants these days is to see how intrusive they can be. To them intrusiveness=$ . Do you think it was a coincidence when Google all of a sudden changed its Terms of Service to state that they pretty much can do what they want with your data?

Just look at what the "like" button does on Facebook. It gives all your information and all your contacts' information to the person or business you "liked" - for a price. To me that is the ultimate in sleaze and the reason that I do not buy into the whole "social media" scene. They are merely information gathering organizations that sell YOUR information for profit. I do participate peripherally in sites like this one because I do not see my information getting sold by them (yet).

As for Google being worried about facebook, I don't think so. The guys running Google are far more sophisticated and have way more experience than facebook. The only thing facebook tapped into (and google emulates with google+) is people's willingness to give up every tidbit of information about themselves for a perceived "free" service.