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What can I do with invention ideas? - Printable Version

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What can I do with invention ideas? - Tyler - 04-08-2014 09:31 PM

If I were to have an idea for something, what would be the best thing to do with it? sell the idea? or try and find people to help me make it happen? Where do i go to sell the idea?

- Darren - 04-08-2014 09:40 PM

In general there is no shortage of ideas, good ideas, great ideas or off the chart awesome ideas in the world. What there is a serious shortage of though is people that take action on their ideas to turn it into a reality. The problem is that each person in the world is unique due to their genetics and their experiences in life so you are the right person to bring your idea to life. The reason you probably can't sell an idea (unless it's something like the cure for cancer) is that while others might also think that your idea is great they aren't you so they won't know as much as you do about it so will likely not be able to build it themselves successfully. If you've got an idea that you think would bring value to others then find a couple of business partners who have complimentary skill sets to your own, are as excited as you are about the idea and then just start building it. Good luck!