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flickr facebook unlinked? - Printable Version

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flickr facebook unlinked? - Fearlessshow299 - 04-08-2014 09:31 PM

Why has Flickr disabled its advertised photo updating link to Facebook? I'm paying for the disabled Pro account including that feature-why pay? Why pay to be cheated out of that photo update capability linked to my Facebook?

Does hiding from this and similar direct questions that receive no Flickr response help, enable and facilitate Flickr defrauding customers who are refused Flickr's advertised services on an ongoing basis?

- Rid©ully - 04-08-2014 09:38 PM

Flickr hasn't disabled that feature. As I am not Staff I can't see your problem first hand - but usually it's down to a problem with the user.

There has been a problem with Facebook - look below at the Help Forum - there's an Official Topic regarding this.

Questions sent to Flickr Staff take 3-5 working days to reply. They don't work weekends - blame Yahoo, not staff.

Have you tried asking in the Flickr Help Forum?

Happy ranting