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Can the administrators of Facebook pages and groups see my timeline? - Printable Version

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Can the administrators of Facebook pages and groups see my timeline? - MightDo - 04-08-2014 09:32 PM

I've got tight security settings on my facebook page so only my friends can see my timeline, photos and status updates. But what about the administrators of the pages and groups I've liked - what can they see?


- Stupidog - 04-08-2014 09:37 PM

Nothing more than what the public can see.

- Evgeny - 04-08-2014 09:38 PM

Yes.... but they will keep it for themselves... (none of their business) .. unless it is something really grave ... like a murder timeline...

- Hangman609 - 04-08-2014 09:45 PM

the answer is NO..unless u add them a s a friend...they cant see any contene on ur timeline...except for what u made public ofcourse(i miself am a fb page admin)..hope this helps

- Steven - 04-08-2014 09:46 PM

Yes they can. Like a network administrator at a workplace, they can gain access to anything on the systems that they have set up. This is how they review profiles that have been reported for whatever reasons. Some people that managed to hack Facebook to great extents were not prosecuted but actually hired by Facebook, so if they want to see what is happening on your account, by all means they can easily do so. They implemented the security and privacy systems, they know how it works and therefore they know how to bypass those measures.