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How to message a possible employer on linkedin? - Printable Version

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How to message a possible employer on linkedin? - Mandy - 04-08-2014 09:32 PM

I will be moving to Nashville, from Alaska, early January. I work in hotels at the front desk, so I started researching some of the hotels in Nashville and requested to connect with some of the front office/front desk managers. To my surprise, everyone who I asked to connect did accept.

My questions are-
1. Would you message the managers to get your name out there?
2. If so, how would you word it?
3. How soon would you apply for jobs in another state?

Any information on how to do this sort of thing would be fantastic.
Thank you all in advanced!!

- novocain - 04-08-2014 09:38 PM

Nashville is a big enough city, and each hotel is usually a small business with a small business owner. They're not going to be snooty most of the time. I think your best course of action is to email a couple of them _briefly_ explaining your situation.

Hello, my name is Mandy Candy from Alaska and I'm going to be relocating to Nashville (approximate date). I have been working as a night auditor for X years and am looking for a similar position. Like a date, don't give them all your baggage.. (hypothetically) about escaping some abusive relationship... etc.. Just be brief direct and send them to your profile. Then a few days later, send a following message asking them if they've had a chance to review it.

I'm sure that these folks have to hire/fire all the time so processing a resume from a qualified applicant is a joy compared to sifting through a pile of scribbled job applications. Make sure your profile looks good first though!