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How do I deal with cyberbullies? - Printable Version

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How do I deal with cyberbullies? - Bridget B - 04-08-2014 09:32 PM

I been on for about two years and am in eighth grade when inwas in seventh grade I was hated on and called stupid fat ugly but that didn't bother me at all bc they called everyone that ( they* is the "popular girls" in my class of 40) but then they hit mg soft spot . I'm a total tomboy but they called me a man they said I was a smelly fat ugly MAN that really bugged me and I would go home very day and cry because I could hear them talking about me. I lived. and as recently as the past week they stated up again but now they are threatening me and calling me an *** they say I will kill you in your sleep I will be in your room at 3 am to kill you be ready at first I thought I was my friend joking around cuz that's something she would do and we have a joke like that but then they haut kept coming and I don't know what to do. I do not want to delete my ask bc then they would know that they scared me and if I don't delete it I'm afraid I will lose my sanity please

HELP please

- Grace - 04-08-2014 09:42 PM

Best thing to do would be to block them or ignore them. It's not right and it happens all the time. People who dont deserve to be bullied are and thats just what has happened to our society. Usually the best choice would be to tell the teacher or a parent which you probably hear a lot in those boring assemblies about bullying, but yes thats the right choice. If your not confident enough to do it I think you should just talk about it with your friend. If the friend doesnt care or just laughs it off, maybe that person isnt the friend you need right now. All I have to say is do what you think is right and good luck. Also they wont be in your room at 3 am ready to kill you. They probably just finished removing the thick makeup they put on daily.

- Block Due - 04-08-2014 09:50 PM

Hello my dear Bridget B,

I would like to start of by telling that you are more beautiful than anything the nearest nebula can create. You are a sophisticated young woman that understands never to give up even when the world tells you to. For that, you alone have already answered your own question. You cannot and will not let these foolish girls dictate how your life should be. You should show them that you are who you are and that you don't care what they say. Keep that am account, and prove them wrong.

Grab the hottest boy in school on Monday and kiss the hell out him. Show him that he's your little b*tch and that you own him. Be strong my dear stranger Bridget. Be strong, for one does not simply become the queen of the school.

- Jon - 04-08-2014 09:59 PM

u answer back in kind

- azure - 04-08-2014 10:06 PM

Look, delete it. If you are affected, and you are scared, you are only giving them what you want. If you go to, you'll see dozens of petitions to ban forever. You are not alone, Bridget. Many MANY kids have been cyberbullied and we have to put a stop to it. Go to your school, tell teachers, ask to have an assembly about cyberbullying, put up flyers to sign these petitions. You can make a change as a victim.

Hold your head high! You're stronger than them, know why? Because they've chosen to bully you online instead of to your face. They look pathetic, not you. Stay strong, and show them you're the better person! Good luck! xx