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The steps I should take to register my dog as a legitimate Emotional Support Animal? - Printable Version

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The steps I should take to register my dog as a legitimate Emotional Support Animal? - Sarah - 04-08-2014 09:32 PM

I own a 2-year-old Siberian Husky male. I want to register him as a legitimate Emotional Support Animal for private reasons. I know that there are a lot of scams out there and that I don't technically, legally need documentation and vests and all that but I know it helps the public accept the dog so I want it regardless. I've heard bad things about the services you pay for online but I have yet to really see what steps I should precisely take and am leaning toward the NSAR despite the things I've heard. I know I need to train him and plan on doing so. He will not be actively going out and about with me but I do need him to be able to live with me regardless of pet policies in rental apartments. I am likely going to be moving to Missouri so that's the state where I'm paying most attention to the laws regarding the topic but that state is not set in stone so I also need information just in the general USA region. Any assistance is very much appreciated!
Just a note that I do indeed see a professional (therapist) and have for many years. She believes it would be beneficial and is entirely willing to write any necessary "prescriptions" as they are apparently called.

- Pamela - 04-08-2014 09:33 PM

Emotional support dogs are no more then pets.
There is no sort of registry for them.
Also saying you own a ESD does not give you the same rights as Working service dogs such as guide dogs.
You can not own one in a apartment or house in which land lord says No Pets Allowed.

- ***** - 04-08-2014 09:42 PM

ALL registrations for ESAs are scams. ESAs are simply pets that are "prescribed" to a disabled person to provide emotional support. They have no special training. They do not wear vests, because they are not allowed public access rights like service animals are.

Requirements are that you be LEGALLY DISABLED and that the dog is "prescribed" to mitigate your disability as part of your ongoing treatment plan by your physician. Landlords may require a letter from the physician verifying that you are disabled, that the dog is necessary, and the ways in which the dog mitigates your disability. The ability to have the dog in "no pets" housing must be requested formally from the landlord as a "reasonable accomodation" for the disability, in advance. Not all rental housing must allow ESAs, there are several exemptions. ESAs CAN be restricted as to size or breed by the landlord.

- Nekkid Truth! - 04-08-2014 09:48 PM

There is no registration for ESA.
You see a Dr, or mental health professional, you need to be diagnosed and treated for a mental health issue.
The Dr then writes a letter of recommendation for you to have a pet.
You take the letter to your landlord and request reasonable accommodation
"Reasonable accommodation" can include size and breed restrictions.. which means a husky still might not be allowed anyways.

- Resistevil - 04-08-2014 09:54 PM

Contrary to the prior posts, there are "touch therapy" dogs in MO that are trained and licensed. Currently, however, the training is only available in the St. Louis area. It is not breed restricted but the dog must meet some requirements, must be trained, and "handled" by someone who has also been trained. These meet the requirements for the generic term "emotional support dogs."

- mariahleadme - 04-08-2014 10:01 PM

To legally have an ESA in 'no-pets' housing, the person must be elderly or meet the legal definition of being mentally ill or disabled, be under the continuous care of a professional psychiatrist or psychologist, have an established treatment plan in place for the mental illness or disability, and have the psychiatrist or psychologist make an assertion that the presence of the animal is deemed a necessary part of the ongoing treatment regimen.

Then the person must file and have approved a "Request for Reasonable Accommodation" with the landlord/manager/owner BEFORE bringing the animal on the premises. The Request should state why the animal is being requested, include the treating psychiatrists or psychologists written affirmation (on the office letterhead) that the animal is part of the persons treatment regimen for their mental illness or disability, and show that the person has the proper levels of liability insurance on the animal being requested.

You cannot simply have a 'doctor' write a 'note' which will magically allow you to have your dog with you. You must follow the proper protocol and procedure. There is no such term as "generic" emotional support dogs; Emotional Support Animal is a legally defined term. A "touch therapy dog" is not an ESA.

There is no 'national registry' from which one can have their dog 'certified' from, as every registry currently available is nothing but a scam and a fraud intended to separate stupid people from their money. ALL of the websites offering to 'certify' or 'register' any dog are frauds and scams, as there is no legal 'certification', 'registration' or 'ID' recognized or required by law with regards to service dogs or ESA's. Because of all the publicity generated by the 'fakers' who use this fraudulent paperwork, landlords are becoming more aware of the situation and when someone shows up with one of these wastepaper 'certifications', they are turned down right away.

ESA's are subject to weight and breed limitations. See here for more information:

You will also be financially and civilly liable for any damage done to the premises by the animal while the animal is present on the property.

The handler of an ESA has no public venue access rights with the animal. The handler of an ESA cannot take the animal with them in the public venue. No stores, no restaurants, no taxis or buses, nothing.

Be certain that this is something you really want to do. The designation of being mentally ill or disabled by a mental illness is something that will affect you for the rest of your life. The designation of being mentally ill or disabled by mental illness is part of your public record which is available for viewing by potential employers, law enforcement agencies, business owners, landlords and rental agencies, real estate offices, banking institutions, credit extenders, social services agencies, and anyone else who wishes to view your public records.

- Phebes - 04-08-2014 10:06 PM

Why would you need a vest for an ESA. They can NOT go anywhere that pet dogs are also NOT allowed to go. Only places ESAs can go are pet-friendly places such as parks, pet stores, etc.
So, no reason for a vest. The only dogs allowed in non-dog places are service dogs that are highly trained and help directly mitigate the handler's disability through trained tasks.

Take the advice of Mariahleadme, he/she knows what they are talking about.

- bluebonnetgranny - 04-08-2014 10:12 PM

If your psychiatrist feels you NEED one, a prescription can be written but not for a pet.

Lots of people have tried this, a way of trying to beat the system. Do it right & contact the proper groups to get a service dog. If it is NEEDED. Your doctor would do all the work if you NEED one.

- Riah~Faye - 04-08-2014 10:13 PM

ESAs are just pets. They are not allowed anywhere that service dogs are allowed and the only protections they have are housing protections and on flights the dog may be allowed in the cabin. Other than that your dog is just that. A dog.

- i. jones - 04-08-2014 10:19 PM

My dogs want to put an Emotional Support Animal vest on me.