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What do you think of allowing military personnel to carry privately owned weapons on base? - Printable Version

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What do you think of allowing military personnel to carry privately owned weapons on base? - barbamatt - 04-08-2014 09:33 PM

First I am a veteran and have never been on any military base where you were allowed to carry a weapon unless you were required to perform official duties. No private weapons were ever allowed for any reason.

I am not for allowing private weapons particularly fire arms to be brought on base. Maybe my mind is still in the mode that I was trained and accustomed to. It just seem it can make a bad situation worse.

I might be for allowing more armed personnel who have received training to be on base in an official capacity for more security...but not just letting anyone have a weapon. Maybe some units need armed security nearby. Maybe it is an overreaction to a tragic event.

I am asking because I have several civilian friends who are pro-gun advocates who believe that if other soldiers were allowed to carry firearms that the incident would not have happened. I don't share that ideology...but I am reading a lot of it on Facebook.

The theory is if you trust a service member to carry a weapon on deployment why not trust him/her when s/he returns....I don't know how to answer that one. It seems to me that it is just different.

I think that it still could happen, because not everyone would want a privately owned firearm and would anyone have it on them when the tragedy happened? Would more people been hurt because of cross fire? Don't really know. I don't think the shooting could have been prevented.

I am interested in other opinions.
I just don't see how allowing military or civilian personnel to carry privately own firearms on a military base would do anyone any good. I fully understand the ban. I am not advocating allowing private firearms on base. I am surprised that there are people out there who do.

- Eric - 04-08-2014 09:37 PM

There needs to be a 100% conceal carry requirement. everybody from parents to toddlers carrying, though toddlers shouldn't get bullets till age 8.

- Soldier - 04-08-2014 09:40 PM

Your question was very specific - you asked about whether people (other than miliary law enforcement ...) should be allowed to carry weapons.


Military installations do not have the danger you see in the real world.

Everyone can go ahead and mark no on mine, but the question was NOT our views on the 2nd Amendment.

Soldiers will not challenge the current rules. Silly little thing called UCMJ.

If Civilians do not like it, stay off post.

- candy g - 04-08-2014 09:47 PM

I have a CWP and it seems I am grown up enough to be allowed to carry a weapon at all times expect when I go on base..........sometimes it is a pain in the butt as I have to go home remove any weapons from the car [in case I get searched AGAIN] but I suppose I have to respect the fact that it is classed as federal land and they have a different set of rules.

Does not mean that I am going to stand there and be a victim, they say you can NOT bring firearms on base, states nothing about anything else does it!!!

- LuckyWorlock557 - 04-08-2014 09:51 PM

I think it's about time for the Clinton "disarming the military from weapons" ban is replaced with something more modern (or older) where personnel are considered mature and responsible enough to handle weapons without being somewhere "special".

Whenever I pick up a weapon, I don't feel the magical need to *kill sompin!* and neither do the vast majority of our military members.

- lana_sands - 04-08-2014 09:55 PM

Oh, boy. Hard one.....
Funny thing is i'm a CCW holder of some 10 years or so. Had the Kel Tec in the shoulder rig in the cubicle today typing away. Carry on a base? By in large, bases are rather safe places. Streets outside, not so much. I'm on the fence.....

- Aj - 04-08-2014 10:02 PM

Let's be clear, a military base is a place of work, ie a workplace. Allowing everyone to carrying concealed weapons, would open the military up to a slew of unsafe workplace lawsuits. Federal law mandates employers provide a safe workplace.

- laslo - 04-08-2014 10:08 PM

Anyone who tells you that having more guns around makes you safer is N-U-T-S.

- jeeper_peeper321 - 04-08-2014 10:14 PM

1. military personal have Never been allowed to go armed on base

the restriction against those with CCW -- basiclly started at the same time states started granting CCW permits

2. even if the ban was lifted -- it would Only apply to off duty personal

you will never be allowed to carry a personal firearm while on duty

- The Wolf - 04-08-2014 10:22 PM

I believe military personnel should be allowed to carry privately owned weapons on base only if they want to, other wise they should be required to carry service sidearms. Nothing makes my blood boil more that our heros being shot down on American soil because some idiot made it illegal for them to be armed.

I have to say you got some really stupid answers to your question.

@ Soldier. If Military installations do not have the danger you see in the real world, then maybe you can explain the TWO Fort Hood shootings.