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Why is my ex so nasty when he cheated? - Printable Version

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Why is my ex so nasty when he cheated? - Lucie - 10-15-2012 08:52 PM

Hey guys, I'm trying to make heads or tails of the way my ex feels at the moment. I'm 6 months pregnant and he cheated on me I caught him red handed to which he wouldn't deny it! he said he was sorry but hasn't really made much of an effort at all. We split up and again he's made no effort for either me or the baby he also turned really nasty now too. I don't get what I have done as its him who cheated not me! Why isn't he sorry and upset? He is stubborn but still I don't get it. He all of a sudden has a new gf now too a mutual friend of ours on Facebook told me has he really moved on? we haven't spoken for 3 weeks now I haven't chased him or contacted him once then out of the blue the other day he phones me to tell me a letter that had arrived for me and he had opened it??? Why is he opening my mail and why phone me about it? We work for the same marketing company so why didn't he just bring the letter to work? Instead he was horrible and nasty to me on the phone I don't understand him?? Can anyone help?

- dvvvk - 10-15-2012 09:00 PM

Move on! Dont settle for someone who does treats you so badly, theres so many men in the world! Stop wasting your time thinking about him, a man who can leave a woman when shes pregnant is obviously a waste of space.

- Amanda - 10-15-2012 09:00 PM

dude, leave him. there will be other guys

- Lynn - 10-15-2012 09:00 PM

Well, in my opinion first of all, he's not a very nice person. Limit your contact to him to an absolute minimum, and make sure he does his duty by the child you will soon be parents to. He cheated on you while you were, pregnant and then was nasty to you. Write him off.

Secondly, some people are incapable of feeling themselves in the wrong and apologising. He prefers to be nasty to you rather than sit down with you, explain what went wrong and talk sensibly about your future. He will be a father in a few months after all!

My advice: Whether or not he has moved on or is still attached to you (and the child) should not be your concern. You now know what kind of a person he is and he is not worth bothering with other than as the father of your child. Get him out of your system as soon as you can, and deal with him as the father of your baby only. He'll only hurt you if you let him, so don't let him!

- Laney - 10-15-2012 09:00 PM

He's being nasty because cheating on you and his unborn child is nasty! He feels if he can get you to fight with him, he can justify the affair by telling himself, "see, she's a bit**, I tried but she's so horrible .". That kind of stupid reasoning. See, if he acts remorseful and is kind to you and gets counseling, that means he has to be a decent man and give up the ho. If he acts nasty to you, he can continue on with her and probably others.

I have to tell you I'm so sorry and I know how much you're hurting, especially being pregnant. However, the way you're handling this is stellar!! Pure class and it's driving him nuts!! This is the best thing for him. Think about it, even after cheating on his pregnant wife, she holds her head high, goes to work and never calls him or tracks him down!! That's killing his ego and making him look even more of a loser to himself and "mattress back."

Get divorced from this guy, please??!!! I already know you can do it based on your strong will and determination. He will be a terrible husband always.

There is someone out there that you're going to meet that's going to love you and your baby do very much. You'll see.

Good luck.

- Kitty - 10-15-2012 09:00 PM

He's and azz. be glad he's out of your life. Her problem now, and when he gets her pregnant he will leave her too. That's the type of man he is. When it's time to be a grown up, he runs. You did nothing wrong. Just make sure he takes care of that child financially when he/she is born.