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When I read an email, Is their any possibility to get my location or personal details by sender? - Printable Version

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When I read an email, Is their any possibility to get my location or personal details by sender? - Pritam - 04-08-2014 09:35 PM

When I received an email with or without attachment on it and when I am opening it in my computer and reading it, Is their any possibility that my I.P. address can be located or my locations or personal details?
I require a serious and narrative answer to select as a Best Answer.

- Raju - 04-08-2014 09:36 PM

not yet all times

- sweet_huney_85 - 04-08-2014 09:37 PM

To be fair, You Can be Traced.

There are much more functions often Marketing Companies used to Track if you have Opened the Mail or Not !!
And a Variable and be used to Trace your Physical Location also.

Using advanced techniques, Its Possible !!

- ChOcoLaTe HoUse® - 04-08-2014 09:44 PM

No, the Sender will not be able to know the IP address of the Receiver. (Not without the help of your ISP & other computer genius) Because most emails providers like Yahoo, Rediffmail, Gmail etc.. are browser based. They are NOT peer- to- peer type communication.
But if you are using a POPaccount type e-mail client like Outlook, Thunderbird, Lotusnotes.... to download email to ur desktop then..... it might be possible to trace you.

But the vice-versa is always possible... i.e. The Receiver can find out the IP address of the Sender, atleast that is possible in Gmail.

Why are you so scared.... have you got a mail from Al-Quida or what ??

- Parinita - 04-08-2014 09:51 PM

No its not possible.